
  • Contact Jeff Today!

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Studio:  (619) 795-1740

    Mobile:  (760) 613-0220


    Or, fill out the form below and send a message. I will get back to you right away. 

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Equipment & Delivery

MP3, WAV, AIF, Dropbox, Gmail, We Transfer,
Skype, Phone Patch, Source Connect.

Recording with Sennheiser 416, and Neumann TLM 103 microphones

SSL 2 Interface, Mackie mixer board and Adobe Audition

I'd Love to Hear from You!

Contact Me and Let's Talk About Your Voice Project and How I Can Help You, Today!

Jeff Gelder

Studio: 619-795-1740

Mobile: 760-613-0220

Feel free to share my information on your

social media pages by clicking the links above.

Thank you!