
Quality is difficult to articulate when discussing voices.

It’s hard to describe what makes a voice good, but you know it when you hear it, right?

I'm proud to offer vocal variety and a Professional Personal Studio. For customer convenience I can send mp3, wav, or aif voice track files to clients via e-mail, drop box, e-transfer, or directly uploaded to your ftp site.


Services include:

  • Podcast Bumpers: including open, close and middle
  • On-hold marketing messages; efficient, cost effective forms of advertising to a captive audience
  • Voice mail greetings, phone trees, and Interactive Voice Response – (I.V.R.)
  • Narrations for explainer and training videos, films, industrial videos, web pages and e-learning
  • Audio books and training modules
  • Commercials on and off camera
  • Professional Host/Master of Ceremonies for special events
  • Live Event/Awards show Announcer 
  • Studio available for booking
  • Private Coaching


I am an award winning San Diego based voice over artist providing the highest quality voice over solutions to businesses worldwide. I have been a voice over talent for over 20 years and my voice can be heard locally and internationally.

I'm focused on helping businesses create a persona, which represents them to the public. For example, a Jeff Gelder voice mail greeting paired with regularly updated on-hold marketing messages are a great way to convey a persona.

Much like the personalities in a television drama or comedy, a persona is the friend customers come to know and grow comfortable with over time. A professional first impression of a company is one which customers can easily identify on a recurring basis, will improve customer confidence, and increase sales.

I am committed to my philosophy to build relationships and help businesses grow. I often say, “Once the customer trusts a voice, the relationship begins!"

I'm glad to offer free consultations and provide solutions based on individual business needs. Prices are reasonable and service is of the highest quality.


Equipment and Delivery

MP3, WAV, AIF, Dropbox, Gmail, We Transfer,
Skype, Phone Patch, ISDN or Source Connect.

Recording with Sennheiser 421, and Neumann TLM 103 microphones

SSL 2 Interface, Mackie mixer board and Adobe Audition

12-8-12 and 12-9-12 089

I'd Love to Hear from You!

Contact Me and Let's Talk About Your Voice Project and How I Can Help You, Today!

Jeff Gelder

Studio: 619-795-1740

Mobile: 760-613-0220

Feel free to share my information on your

social media pages by clicking the links above.

Thank you!